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Zoom Vāgyoga Sanskrit
The Yoga of the Sanskrit Language

Six recorded Sessions on the Spirituality of Sanskrit

- With lots teaching material, a lot of Practice and full of Enlightenment -

This is a comprehensive and very interesting introduction to Sanskrit as an essential training on the path of yoga. Vāgyoga, the yoga of speech, teaches pronunciation, sound connection theory, recitation, and presents the spirituality of Sanskrit as an exploration of the spiritual energy of the mantra, the fruit of thousands of years of research. In six Zoom teachings, and all in the guise of a wonderful philosophy, our sound organ will be bathed in light and the light of consciousness will be made to sound - using, among other things, Kashmiri Shivaism, whose sound metaphysics is a very powerful explanatory tool. Taught as the yoga of speech, Vāgyoga is a perfect tantric grammar as well as the actual science of meditation. Extensive teaching material accompanies the classes. Since a new Vāgyoga Sanskrit volume has been produced as part of my Mantraśikṣa book series, the classes are accompanied by excerpts with many examples of well-known mantras and texts along with mantra recordings for your practice.These classes will be recorded and made available for streaming on a dedicated website along with the PDFs for download. The link will remain active for at least a month.


#1 Pronunciation & Accentuation
#2 Phonetic connection theory
#3 Recitation
#4 Special pronunciation features Pāṇinī
#6 Devanāgarī script
#7 Spiritual energy of Mantra


"The Vāgyoga Saṁskṛtaśikṣā is a simple,
playful and at the same time comprehensively authentic introduction

into the world of Sanskrit."


Six Classes (6x 2h)
Vāgyoga Sanskrit Course
as Replay

write to
if you want access to the course website along with

additional teaching material from my new book


210 USD/190 €

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