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Prakasa IV
  • The Light of Consciousness
    [pra- + √kaśshine, radiate; the light]


    Prakasa IV
    (Zoom Prakāśa 6. & 7.2.2021)


    Prakāśa is a small seminar series on the subject of expansion, light! It shines and expands. We begin where it begins or exits and move in its increasing expansion with views, with studies and reflections within the wonderful philosophy of KashmiriŚivism, in transition to guided meditation, woven into a fine tapestry of sound of vedic and tantric mantras.


    practicalasa IVphilosophically deals with the topic of expansion, as the Lord in fullness of the Sanskrit alphabet. We associate this with Vyahrtis, Hamsa and other Bija mantras.


    the practiceasa series contains  exercise parts from my new mantra trainingmantraŚikṣā.Lessons are suitable even for beginners, accompanied by a handout with exercises.

    Prakasa IV

    • Contents:

      1x Mp3 - 180 mins
      1x Mp3 - 182 mins

      1x PDF handout - 7 pages



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