consciousness as time
In this lecture with guided exercises we will deal with the cycle of breath and the cycle of time. As the dynamics of movement and stillness, becoming and being, both teach the unity of consciousness. Just as the body is the epitome of space in which all worlds are reflected, so is the breath a symbol of time, for all cycles take place in it.Abhinavaguptatreats this subject in the sixth chapter of hisTantraloka. We owe this, as well as the other topics I have presented, to my honored teacher Dr. Mark Dyczkowski. In the course of his text-critical edition with translation and explanation of this important yoga scripture, he brought the finest diamonds to light.
The worship of time was also the worship of the great goddess Kālī. With groupings like the 12 Kālis, the one moment of perception was divided into 12 metaphysical sections, we find it discussed in the fourth chapter of the Tantrāloka. This cognitive yoga is practiced while breathing.
Thematically, these recordings close the circle of this consciousness series in the spirit of Atharvaveda (Prāṇasūkta 11, 4, 1), when the latter sings about the breath as the breath of life:
“Worship be to Prāṇa, by whom the whole universe is controlled.He is the Lord of all, everything is found in order in Him."
Kala Workshop
1 x Mp3 - x min
1 x Mp3 - x min
1 x Mp3 - x min
1 x Mp3 - x min1 x PDF Handout - x pages